Single-use plastic pollution on Earth is now overflowing into the Underworld.
Our Mission
Single-use plastic bottles polluting the Earth above are now overflowing into the Underworld. Our mission is to preserve the demon way of life, and plastic is really getting in the way of demons doing demon things. Help us bring #DeathToPlastic and keep the Underworld beautiful for everyone.
Demons Need Your Help
Plastic hinders limb severing
Plastic inhibits torture
Daily tasks of the average Underworld demonDemon turtles ingest more plastic than flesh
Diet of the demon turtleThe Future is in Your Hands
Many of you will call the Underworld home.
Help keep it beautiful.
It’s time to lend a hand and drag single-use plastic
kicking and screaming to its grave.
Plastic isn’t actually recyclable anymore. Recycling facilities send it to landfills because it’s not profitable to recycle.
Aluminum is infinitely recyclable. And it’s one of the only materials that consistently gets recycled.
If plastic production isn’t curbed, plastic pollution will outweigh fish (and demon fish) pound for pound by 2050.
5 cents from every can is donated to help
kill plastic

5 Gyres is a non-profit organization that uses science, education, and adventure to empower action against the global crisis of plastic pollution.

Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to end the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water.
Show Your Support
Let the world know you’re a demon philanthropist. Bumper stickers, shirts, and buttons are now available in our merch store.
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